Homework: Getting Closer to the AP!
(by: Mr. Orlando, March 9, 2020): Period 4 (AP) only: AP is getting closer. You must put full focus into your prepartion and work ethic if you plan to succeed on the AP Government exam. We continue to step up the AP prep work. Accordingly, I have posted a series of practice questions multiple choice on for homework. Do the MC questions on each of these (they are in your account). Answer all of the questions there for each of the assignments. Your task for this week is to:
- Answer all of the questions in the usual manner.
- Then, each day - one per day - write out each of the first 9 questions (blue ink), the correct answer (red ink) and the commentary (green ink).
- All of these assignments must be completed in by the end of the week and each of the written assignments from them must be handed in to me each consecutive day (one per day until Friday).
Readings/Text from class
Your task: Complete the printed homework DBQs and reading assignments from class. Then:
- On the "readings" you are to "mark up" the document with multi-color pen on points of interest to you in the reading. Write your comments next to what you underlined. I'm looking for numerous comments with much thought and reflection from you.
- Next to your comments, I want you to draw "artwork" or "comic book" style drawings, sketchings (etc) included with your comments. Extra credit if the artwork is clearly relatable to your comments. This will help you retain the information.
- Answer all the questions on the DBQ style handout. Remember to underline in the documents where you obtained your response.