
Research Writing

Do research on the topic "What is Government". To start, create a list of three or four ideas that you believe "government is" or "does," based upon your research. Be certain to cite all of your sources in the paper. Do not plagarize! No "copy/pasting." It must be in your own words. This is a serious and important writing project to help prepare you for College expectations.

Free Writing

In this task, you will write a "fiction" like story of your choosing. Here is the theme: Pretend that you found a bag full of money while walking down the street. What would you do? Would you keep quiet and keep the money? Or, would you try to locate the owner by some method with the hopes of returning it to them. It is vital that you use your imagination in this task. It's a bit like "creative writing," but I'm looking for more. Use your OWN words, your own ideas and your own insights. This is an opportunity to "write from your heart."